Actinovate Fungicide | 18 oz


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Actinovate Fungicide | 18 oz

This organic biological fungicide/bactericide uses a microbe (Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108) for the suppression and control of a wide swath of soil-borne and foliar diseases. This Streptomyces strain will colonize the root system and foliage of plants, which will displace pathogenic fungi present there and protect those areas from further fungal development. Without the stress of fighting disease, your plants will have a vibrant root zone and vigorously healthy foliage growth.

  • With a restricted-entry interval of 4 hours (4-hr REI), Actinovate AG can be applied up and including the day of harvest.
  • Can be used with compatible registered fungicide, bactericide, insecticide, or nematicide products unless restricted. Consult manufacturer for compatibility questions and pre-check for compatibility as appropriate.
  • Excellent as part of an overall disease management strategy or Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.
  • Water soluble so it will not clog machinery and does not require constant agitation when applying.
  • Can be used on all crops grown for seed, brassica vegetables, bulb vegetables, bushberries, caneberries, cereal grains, citrus fruit, cucurbit vegetables, edible fungi, fruiting vegetables, small fruit vine climbing, herbs and spices, hops, leafy vegetables, legumes, low growing berries, non-grass animal feeds, oilseeds, olives, peanuts, pome fruit, root & tuber vegetables, stalk/stem/leaf petiole vegetables, stone fruit, tree nuts, and tropical/subtropical fruit.


This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases:

Use to control plant diseases such as damping-off, root and stem rot, charcoal rot and wilt caused by Alternaria, Anthracnose (Colletotrichum), ArmillariaBipolarisBotrytisCladosporiumColletotrichumDidymellaFusariumGaeumannomyces graminisMacrophominaMoniliniaMycosphaerellaPenicilliumPhytophthoraPlasmodiophoraPlicariaPyrenochaetaPythiumRhizoctoniaSclerotiniaTaphrinaVerticillium and Xanthomonas. Also controls Downy Mildews and Powdery Mildews.


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