Heavy Finish | 1 gal


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Achieve optimal flavor with Heavy Finish (0-0-1) by Heavy 16. When used as a final media flush, no higher level of cleansing can be achieved than with Heavy Finish, an all-natural flushing agent that changes water’s molecular structure, thereby making it more penetrable. When used in conjunction with other nutrients during the flower cycle, this bio-regulator will cause your crops’ genetics to express the heaviest aromas, colors and oil content. Containing scientifically-enhanced natural chelating structures, Heavy Finish cleanses sub-par nutrient regimens, eliminating heavy metal exposure threats.

A versatile flushing agent, some users combine Heavy Prime and Heavy Finish in the last week to enhance natural aromatic fragrances, while others just use Heavy Finish with pure water. Whatever your growing objectives, look to Heavy Finish for horticultural superiority.


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